Leadership Development

Developing National Church Leadership

Throughout Poland we are working with 40 churches and multiple fellowships to develop and train leaders. ProEcclesia does this by:

- Providing ministry assessment, consulting, and coaching
– Facilitating revitalization and change processes
– Disseminating of ministry resources
– Organizing training events
– Creating a care network for pastors and church planters

The ELI Project

The Emerging Leaders Internship, or the ELI Project, is an initiative that we are spearheading alongside of Poland’s largest and most influential churches. The ELI Project is a minimum 10 month internship for 8 emerging leaders that is designed to equip them to plant new churches, multiply existing churches, and revitalize dying churches. The ELI Project will place 2 interns of each of the 4 Warsaw churches where they will experience an internship that, among other things, will include:

  • Being mentored and trained by Warsaw’s most influential Senior Pastors
  • Meeting regularly with coaches to assess ministry skills and giftedness
  • Working full-time with a local church gaining hands on experience in Polish ministry
  • Being trained in 4 areas of development: Knowledge, Skills, Character and Vision
  • Being launched into full time ministry upon completion of the internship

For more information regarding the ELI Project, please check out the tab in the top menu.


We continue to receive requests from pastors of local congregations to assist them and their elders in strategic planning. Pastors want their churches to grow, we want to be of assistance, but where do we start? Just as in everyday life planning we usually begin by assessing where we are currently, next we define where we want to be in the future, and then we create a plan to get there. We bring a variety of resources to every unique local church situation we work with and we continue to develop new such resources in Polish.

 Natural Church Development

Natural Church Development (NCD) is a system of resources for church leaders based on the premise that a “healthy” church (one that functions according to the way God intended) grows by itself or in other words “naturally”. NCD resources are designed to help church leaders continually assess and improve “the health” of their churches in order to see them grow. The principles of NCD emerged over the last decade out of a research project, which included over 40,000 churches in 70 countries around the world. As the national partner for NCD International we provide NCD assessment and resources to Polish pastors. For more info on NCD please visit www.ncd-international.org

Purpose-Driven Resources 

We were instrumental in bringing Purpose-Driven resources to Poland. Our home church was the first to contextualize and implement some of PD principles, so we continue to share these resources and our experience with others who resonate with the PD approach. For more info on PD please visit www.purposedriven.com


CoachNet was developed for the purpose of empowering ministry leaders and church planters ‘to start, grow and multiply healthy churches’. CoachNet doesn’t provide pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all programs, but specializes in coming alongside leaders and providing them with whatever resources, training and coaching they need to help them accomplish the vision God put on their heart. CoachNet’s ministry is supported and extended through its website: www.coachnet.org. It includes extensive resources on all things related to church planting and church health, as well as online courses, online coaching, and online communities where ministry leaders doing similar things in various parts of the world can exchange their insights and assist each other.

As the Polish partner for CoachNet International our focus was to develop a Polish-language version of the site, along with translating the Coaching 101 book. We hosted an incredible conference that saw many church leaders around Poland gather for training and the launch of both the website and the book. CoachNet.org has assisted us through support of our current projects and introduce the concept of coaching in ministry to key regional leaders.

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